CCC is proud to partner with many community organizations, including agencies that serve children and families experiencing hardship, other social services organizations, schools, local nonprofits, and area businesses. The endorsement and stamp of approval of these organizations enables us to develop new community initiatives to continue our work engaging teens in volunteering and leadership, and our work supporting children and families experiencing hardship.
Additionally, CCC works with organizations and businesses who are interested in engaging with CCC through service projects. Recent projects have included book drives, toy collections, Smile Bag packs or other fundraisers. To learn more about engaging with CCC, please email Amy Forbes.
Atlanta Party Connection’s Mitzvah Expo
Bagel Rescue
Congregation B’nai Torah
The Davis Academy
The Epstein School
Etz Chaim
GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students
Georgia Tech Hillel
Gesher L’ Torah
Greater Atlanta Jewish Abilities Alliance
Hillels of Georgia
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
Jewish Networking Atlanta
Jewish Youth Pledge
JF&CS Atlanta
JCRC of Atlanta
Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
Moishe House
Repair the World Atlanta
Temple Emanu-el
Temple Sinai
The Temple
CCC provides resources and services for diverse communities that support children and families. We strategically partner with agencies to help us advance our diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice efforts. From collaborating with our advisory council, to providing scholarships for leadership development, we are steadfast in our desire for accountability and an inclusive culture rooted in Jewish values.
We are always looking to increase the group of agencies and organizations we partner with, so that more children can participate in our programs. To receive more information about partnering with CCC, please email Amy Forbes.
Atlanta Children’s Shelter
Brumby Elementary
Building On The Word of God
Cary Reynolds Elementary
Children of Excellence
City of Refuge
Corners Outreach
East Atlanta Kids Club
Embracing Arms Inc.
Gracie’s Cove
Hagar’s House/Decatur Cooperative Ministry
Horizons Atlanta
Ison Springs Elementary
Los Ninos Primero
Mary Hall Freedom House
Mimosa Elementary
My Fresh Air
Nana Grants
New American Pathways
Next Home Ministries
Nicholas House
Our House
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
PawKids (Westside)
Police Athletic League
Project Healthy Grandparents
Rainbow Housing (Seven Courts)
Rainbow Housing (Trestletree)
Reaching Beyond The Stars Inc
Salvation Army – Red Shield
Securus House
Share House
Sisters With Souls Inc.
Solidarity Sandy Springs
Solomon’s Temple
Star House
The Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence
Visions of the Minds
YELLS (Cobb)
To receive more information about partnering with CCC, please email Amy Forbes.